Tuesday 1 July 2008

Cats Like Plain Crisps

Whilst searching around for a final year project at uni that came under the fixed title 'Under-Utilised Spaces', I was having a chat with my dad about random things when he relayed the story of a piece of graffiti he used to see on a wall at Kew roundabout on the way home from his job in Richmond back in the late 1980's.
It was such a memorable slogan that it stuck in my mind instantly and I realised I could use it as the subject for this brief perhaps. I visited the roundabout the following day and discovered that the wall was still there, at the gable end of the house, with a small brick wall and some bamboo now obscuring it. I typed the slogan into google and immediately a picture of the wall as it was back then, came up, much to my shock and surprise. This sparked the project off and I went about creating a book that documented the history and legacy of the graffiti, which I am now redoing with a view to getting it into bookshops and to be sold online sometime in the near future.
Watch this space....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Joel, I've just written a piece on my blog about that piece of graffiti. Would love to hear how you're getting on with the book and if you've discovered anything else. I'm at http://pinkiguana.wordpress.com